"Duit kopi, Duit Kopi, Duit Kopi!" sound familiar huh? this noun phrase not only widely heard in Malaysia but also widely used in our " semua boleh" land. I am working in a private company located in a business area with limitted car parks. We have paid officially to the local anthority for two parking lots. It costs about rm 320 ++ per month. Still, the car park is not enough! the staff and the guests have been through so much hardship in searching for car park in that area, they will get one if only they are lucky enough!( which is hardly happen)
to SOLVE it, we park our cars along the pathway ( located at the corner lot, we have a big wide area for illegal parking)
Know what? those " IDIOTS" started their " day- light- robbery", approached us for " duit untuk minum kopi, kalau tidak, kami akan datang tiap-tiap hari untuk bagi saman" ...this was what those idiots told me....Wow.....they are robber, aren't they???? to make thing worse, we were not approached by only one gang but two gangs!
every month then, they appear punctually at our office, waiting for the " duit kopi"...
imagine this ,
one office - RM200
10 offices - RM2000
50 offices- RM10,000.00! per month! ( in one area only, usually they cover more than two areas!)
Well, many of u may think that we are wrong at the first place for parking the cars at the illegal place, dear ones, where else can we park? if the malaysia public transportation is 50% as efficient as the transportation system in Singapore, then do you think the ordinary citizen will ever own a car?
Owning a car while the fuel price keeps arising even though Malaysia is the Petroleum Producer?
Owning a car while the tol price keeps increasing due to the corrupt government who has signed disclosed agreement with high way concession companies?
Owning a car while we still have to suffer the heavy traffic congestion in highway daily?
Come on! spare the innocent Citizen!
You want to put an end to the corruption? here are some ideas to share:
1. Pak Lah must ensure that the Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) is an independant body which reports only to the Parliament.
2. The Opposition party must be allowed to join in as the committee member of BPR
3. Make the prosedure of reporting/lodging any corruption easier and more confidental. witnesses must be protected.
3. Increase the salary of all the Government Servants, increase by 100% at least. A show of sincerity and seriousness of PAK LAH wanting to curb corruption.
4. High salary make the officers especially the trafiic officers think twice before taking/asking/begging for bribe.
5. Educate the citizen effectively. Instill in them how bad and "retarded" a nation will be with the existance of corruption.
6. Pak LAH, do away " Budaya Tongkat", let's play the game fair. make all citizen competative regardless of race and religion. after all, we are competing with the world and not with our ownselves! WE WANT FAIR GAME!
1 comment:
really teruk la them...
felt so angry but helpless about this matter.. wat can we do? refuse to give them? or saman everyday??
how much government increase their salary they will never satisfied one, becoz they think nothing can earn much than corruption!!
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