Friday, August 11, 2006

well, recently i just completed reading a book entitled " PERSONALITY PUZZLE'- piecing togetehr the personalities in your workplace, written by Florence Littauer & Marita Littauer. honestly, the books is great, i was so amazed with the method the authors used to categorize personality, into 4 cateories: Powerful Choleric, Popular Sanguines, perfect Melancholies, Peaceful phlegmatics.

each of the group has unique way to be identified...and, from knowing the details of these personalities, wow...we can roughly tell how the person like and what the person does not like! great huh? any more alike books in the market? please let me know....


Anonymous said...

Hey! I've read that book - it's excellent :) So...tell me, which personality are u? Heheh....then i'll know you better :)

大眼睛 said...

yoo finally u have ur blog!! visit my blog too ya~ duo duo zhi gao^^