Near to 2 am in the morning, sleepless, never before i am filled with dismay to this extent. Never, i hope it ends soon.
After the dialogue held last Saturday, the trekkers' committee has no choice but agreed to look for a new trail in replacement of the current entrace to "Bukit Putih". This group, mainly consists of business men, went around the hill to look for new trail and they resorted to a location.
No car parking problem as faced in the area of Bukit Putih, as near to the front entrance into the new trail, there is a piece of huge and spacious land, it is best used as car park! bravo! i was informed of this good news in this morning, i was so thankful to them for their sacrifies they had made in loccating the new trails, guys.. those senior and ailing group will gona love you so much! and me too! i love you all..my respect!
but..but..but..late evening, another call from the committee had throughly put me into shock. The land is a private land, the owner called them up! i then totally dropped deep into a well, lossing my way out. i m about to drown, tons and tons of tears coming towards me, not my tears but the uncle unty who are waiting anxiously to reenter the hill!
Uncle, unty, those ailing group,
i must extend my utmost apology, i failed in my task of getting the pakatan to reopen the hill, i am with no authority to send out directives and orders, i m no one in the government!
can the hill be reopened? as far as i m concerned, why not? the main issue is the car parking, well, proposal is there, a workable n fruitful one, this will solve the parking problem once n for all, Why not listen? why insist to close the hill? sound pollution? the committee is dying to promise that there will be tighter supervision during the heavy flow of trekkers., banner will be put up along the way to the entrance. What else? Akta Perhutanan must be complied with? hey, degazzette the law, change that small tiny part of the hill to recreational park. i dont see ordeal at all...
But, if the pakatan government in general, Elizeberth in particular fails to understand the points, then, go back sleep. You are not here for the people, you are merely here to impose law law law...and, with this uncaring, ruthless, loveless, unconsiderate way of handling this issue, the voters, in next election will tell Y.Bodoh Eli...want my vote? LO LO LO!
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