Sunday, August 31, 2008
Finally, i have got myself a new handphone. i suffered enough with the old problematic handphone. with that handphone, i have difficulties in receiving calls and making out calls! now, all the nightmares have gone with me buying a Nokia 3120. black color,3 G functionity, 2 mega pixel. RM550. what else do i request? i bought it immediately......and....all communication hard time gone....hopefully it will go forever......
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Let me tell you a story:
Zahari was an unafortunate kampung boy, received very little education, he decided to try his luck in the city. He then settled down at a taman renting a small room in that taman. Knowing that he was not able to do any other work. he dedided to sell " Pisang Goreng" at Pasar Malam. He was told to go to the Bangunan MPxx to apply for a hawker licence. He did so, he paid rm15 rinngit to get to the bangunan by taxi, went up to the second floor but the staff at the counter whispered to him :" Hey, awak orang baru? tu tempat orang ni yang jaga, i kasi u numbor, cuba telipon la"...he then left the bangunan empty-handed but the phone number.
He called that number given at the counter, hoping that he could get a license and a " petak" to sell " Pisang Goreng". Not that his pisang goreng was of famous, no..but, he needed to fill his empty stomatch! he was starving! pity him.
finally , he got the other end answering the call, " allamdulilah, bang. i dapat awak ni, i nak minta tolong, i orang susah, baru dari kampung, nak jual pisang goreng. cari makan susah ni!"
replied from the other end :" oh, senang, senang, kami semua mahu cari makan, panggil aku ah weng, i ni suka tolong. i boleh gaodim lu punya lesen and petak, senang. berapa duit punya petak lu mahu? ada RM3000, Rm 2000, Rm 1000,yang paling murah Rm500, tu lah gerai paling jauh dan hantu pun tak adak, mana mau? siapa cepat dia dapat!"
Zahari got shocked, " hei, bukan ke ni tempat awam? MPxx punya, apasal mahu kita orang bayar? kalau kita ada duit, usah jual pisang goreng! jual tanah dah! "
he was so sad to learn the cruelity and the " culture' upheld in the city... his plan of selling merely " pisang goreng" was not succesful. He got to cancel the rented room,used up the rest of money he had with him to return to his kampung. at least, selling " pisang goreng" in the kampung was much easier. the " petak" is free..
but, he still failed to understand, why Ah Weng collected money from him for the petak, was he a staff in the MPxx? was he genuine? was he what he read from the newspaper- orang tengah, who berpakat with pegawai in MPxx? he kept thinking of this question while goreng his pisang goreng..failing to understand why, he would yell: "Pisang Goreng Kampung! atas petak free! tak perlu bayar petak, mari mari....petak tak perlu duit di kampung, tapi petak mahu duit banyak di bandar! pisang goreng! pisang goreng!"
Zahari was an unafortunate kampung boy, received very little education, he decided to try his luck in the city. He then settled down at a taman renting a small room in that taman. Knowing that he was not able to do any other work. he dedided to sell " Pisang Goreng" at Pasar Malam. He was told to go to the Bangunan MPxx to apply for a hawker licence. He did so, he paid rm15 rinngit to get to the bangunan by taxi, went up to the second floor but the staff at the counter whispered to him :" Hey, awak orang baru? tu tempat orang ni yang jaga, i kasi u numbor, cuba telipon la"...he then left the bangunan empty-handed but the phone number.
He called that number given at the counter, hoping that he could get a license and a " petak" to sell " Pisang Goreng". Not that his pisang goreng was of famous, no..but, he needed to fill his empty stomatch! he was starving! pity him.
finally , he got the other end answering the call, " allamdulilah, bang. i dapat awak ni, i nak minta tolong, i orang susah, baru dari kampung, nak jual pisang goreng. cari makan susah ni!"
replied from the other end :" oh, senang, senang, kami semua mahu cari makan, panggil aku ah weng, i ni suka tolong. i boleh gaodim lu punya lesen and petak, senang. berapa duit punya petak lu mahu? ada RM3000, Rm 2000, Rm 1000,yang paling murah Rm500, tu lah gerai paling jauh dan hantu pun tak adak, mana mau? siapa cepat dia dapat!"
Zahari got shocked, " hei, bukan ke ni tempat awam? MPxx punya, apasal mahu kita orang bayar? kalau kita ada duit, usah jual pisang goreng! jual tanah dah! "
he was so sad to learn the cruelity and the " culture' upheld in the city... his plan of selling merely " pisang goreng" was not succesful. He got to cancel the rented room,used up the rest of money he had with him to return to his kampung. at least, selling " pisang goreng" in the kampung was much easier. the " petak" is free..
but, he still failed to understand, why Ah Weng collected money from him for the petak, was he a staff in the MPxx? was he genuine? was he what he read from the newspaper- orang tengah, who berpakat with pegawai in MPxx? he kept thinking of this question while goreng his pisang goreng..failing to understand why, he would yell: "Pisang Goreng Kampung! atas petak free! tak perlu bayar petak, mari mari....petak tak perlu duit di kampung, tapi petak mahu duit banyak di bandar! pisang goreng! pisang goreng!"
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gona call a Press Conference tomorow( 15th August 2008), lucky i went for second survey late evening, i found out another doubtful misconduct by the MpKJ of Bahagian was rather shocking, this found out added the list to be longer..
i swear, due to the sake of the rakyat, i will gona do somthing at the right time. do not challenge me, i m sometimes quiet as i prefer to listen to others , but, whenever i get a good case, dont question my capability in voicing it out...Dont ever challeneg my integrity yeah......50 years, cukup...cukup....cukup with corruption...cukup ...cukup...alhamdulilah!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Near to 2 am in the morning, sleepless, never before i am filled with dismay to this extent. Never, i hope it ends soon.
After the dialogue held last Saturday, the trekkers' committee has no choice but agreed to look for a new trail in replacement of the current entrace to "Bukit Putih". This group, mainly consists of business men, went around the hill to look for new trail and they resorted to a location.
No car parking problem as faced in the area of Bukit Putih, as near to the front entrance into the new trail, there is a piece of huge and spacious land, it is best used as car park! bravo! i was informed of this good news in this morning, i was so thankful to them for their sacrifies they had made in loccating the new trails, guys.. those senior and ailing group will gona love you so much! and me too! i love you respect!
but..but..but..late evening, another call from the committee had throughly put me into shock. The land is a private land, the owner called them up! i then totally dropped deep into a well, lossing my way out. i m about to drown, tons and tons of tears coming towards me, not my tears but the uncle unty who are waiting anxiously to reenter the hill!
Uncle, unty, those ailing group,
i must extend my utmost apology, i failed in my task of getting the pakatan to reopen the hill, i am with no authority to send out directives and orders, i m no one in the government!
can the hill be reopened? as far as i m concerned, why not? the main issue is the car parking, well, proposal is there, a workable n fruitful one, this will solve the parking problem once n for all, Why not listen? why insist to close the hill? sound pollution? the committee is dying to promise that there will be tighter supervision during the heavy flow of trekkers., banner will be put up along the way to the entrance. What else? Akta Perhutanan must be complied with? hey, degazzette the law, change that small tiny part of the hill to recreational park. i dont see ordeal at all...
But, if the pakatan government in general, Elizeberth in particular fails to understand the points, then, go back sleep. You are not here for the people, you are merely here to impose law law law...and, with this uncaring, ruthless, loveless, unconsiderate way of handling this issue, the voters, in next election will tell Y.Bodoh Eli...want my vote? LO LO LO!
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Selangor Government- Image at risk, may God bless me!
Brief explanation of an issue popped up in Taman Wangsa Cheras.
Jabatan perhutanan together with Consumer Affairs & Environment of Selangor State Government( potfolio of Y. B Elizaberth) closed down the Bukit Wangsa Cheras. This bukit is frequent by near to thousands of trekkers on weekend. It is a reserved land and no charge is imposed on the trekkers. The trekkers consist of both the residents and also outsiders from all over the Klang Valley.
A press gave big coverage to this hill to introduce its spectacularity to its readers resulting in the increase of patron last two weeks. The residents staying nearby are unhappy with the noise n sound polution produced. they made complain to the state govenment.
Without listening to the others side of story, the state govenrment closed down the hill yesterday. I was informed by the resident to go over as this area is located just in my zone. i was surprise to know that not all residents are against this trekking acitivity. they all know well that, there is no suitable platform for health building, they need the hill. The residents who are also the trekkers are upset with the move by the govenment. At least the government should listen to both side of the viewpoints and not take action barely based on one side of viewpoint.
The trekking committee's advisor, Mr Lam has been trying to get the chairman of resident, Tan, to sit down and talk, but to no effect. Tan avoided Lam.
The political asssistant of Elizaberth , Khai Lun promised to arrange for a dialogue this coming week. All parties involved will be invited. Eli could not appear during the closure as she was away in Singapore.The trekkers and the residents were happy to know that a dialogue would be called.
Dear all,
know what? a day later, i was told that, Eli, who was still in Singapore did not agree with the proposal of having dialogue and she said to the press that- "The hill would not be reopened, no compromise!"
hey! this is an immature decision made without consulting all the parties involved! the trekking committee has got its proposal ready to solve all the problems, why the pakatan government does not even want to sit down and listen? as a Ahli Majlis, i want to listen but my position is just damn tiny to solve this matter!
Can anyone assist in this matter? we are now the government, we got to be mature in handling people related issue, listening to both side of stories brings no harm! the press will publish her comment tomorrow-" no compromise", and, state govenment will look ugly as protest will soon be carried out by the trekkers!
Selangor risk.....protest will surely be carried out by the trekkers, oh, before i forget, many of the trekkers are senior citizens who have retired and afford little expenses in keeping themselves well and healthy......may God be with me.......
Carmen Leong
Brief explanation of an issue popped up in Taman Wangsa Cheras.
Jabatan perhutanan together with Consumer Affairs & Environment of Selangor State Government( potfolio of Y. B Elizaberth) closed down the Bukit Wangsa Cheras. This bukit is frequent by near to thousands of trekkers on weekend. It is a reserved land and no charge is imposed on the trekkers. The trekkers consist of both the residents and also outsiders from all over the Klang Valley.
A press gave big coverage to this hill to introduce its spectacularity to its readers resulting in the increase of patron last two weeks. The residents staying nearby are unhappy with the noise n sound polution produced. they made complain to the state govenment.
Without listening to the others side of story, the state govenrment closed down the hill yesterday. I was informed by the resident to go over as this area is located just in my zone. i was surprise to know that not all residents are against this trekking acitivity. they all know well that, there is no suitable platform for health building, they need the hill. The residents who are also the trekkers are upset with the move by the govenment. At least the government should listen to both side of the viewpoints and not take action barely based on one side of viewpoint.
The trekking committee's advisor, Mr Lam has been trying to get the chairman of resident, Tan, to sit down and talk, but to no effect. Tan avoided Lam.
The political asssistant of Elizaberth , Khai Lun promised to arrange for a dialogue this coming week. All parties involved will be invited. Eli could not appear during the closure as she was away in Singapore.The trekkers and the residents were happy to know that a dialogue would be called.
Dear all,
know what? a day later, i was told that, Eli, who was still in Singapore did not agree with the proposal of having dialogue and she said to the press that- "The hill would not be reopened, no compromise!"
hey! this is an immature decision made without consulting all the parties involved! the trekking committee has got its proposal ready to solve all the problems, why the pakatan government does not even want to sit down and listen? as a Ahli Majlis, i want to listen but my position is just damn tiny to solve this matter!
Can anyone assist in this matter? we are now the government, we got to be mature in handling people related issue, listening to both side of stories brings no harm! the press will publish her comment tomorrow-" no compromise", and, state govenment will look ugly as protest will soon be carried out by the trekkers!
Selangor risk.....protest will surely be carried out by the trekkers, oh, before i forget, many of the trekkers are senior citizens who have retired and afford little expenses in keeping themselves well and healthy......may God be with me.......
Carmen Leong
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