Monday, October 06, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Today, I lodge a police report in my capacity as the Wanita Chief of DAP Cheras, DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) of Cheras DAP is also here to show support and solidarity. This is the second police report i lodged after the first one lodged two days ago. ( please refer to the first statement)
After the incident of Molotov cocktails thrown at YB Teresa's parents' house On 27th September 2008, i have again received few vulgar sms.
One sms was from the number 016-2648486. received at 10.59pm on 28th September 2008( Sunday)
"Nyonya teresa melampau, sngaja cabar Islam.Pkai Skirt d mjls bbuka puasa Surau chras baru,kita blh trima lg. Tp org Islam x blh trima apb lu lantang hina islam"
Another one received at 9.37pm on 29th September 2008(Monday), received from the number 017-2067110
"Nnya Tersa anti Islam n Melayu.Ptut diajar spaya lbih tau hrmat. org mcm dia x layak tggl dMlysia.Prosak kharmonian kaum.Pntngkan dr sndiri.Nk jd jaguh politik"
in the last sms, clearly seen that the sender is getting too much and too extreme, we are saddened by their irresponsible and extravagant act in further tarnishing the image of our beloved leader. Sdri Teresa has always been a good and a caring leader in the party and the society, she has done alots to the people of all races, she has sacrified her personal time just to ensure that the people is well taken care of by the government. She has been through a lot of political hardship.
Sdri Teresa is not anti Islam and Malay as claimed in the last SMS, we invite the senders to check out the activities organised by Malay Group that Sdri teresa has joined ( In her blog, she also explained the reason of her wearing skirt to a Majlis Berbuka Puasa, a skirt with proper length.
We urge the etreme group involved to stop their irreponsible action. If this extremist claims that Teresa is anti Islam and Malay, then we must say that this group is anti Malaysia for instilling fear into the people, for spreading racist and untrue sms as well as threathening elected representatives in carrying out their legitimate duties unto their constituents.
We also urge the police officers to locate the culprit promptly before thing goes worse. this is the time for the police to prove their efficiency to the people. we urge them to act fast!
Thank you!
Carmen Leong (Chief of Cheras DAP Wanita)
Today, I lodge a police report in my capacity as the Wanita Chief of DAP Cheras, DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) of Cheras DAP is also here to show support and solidarity. I have received annoying cum violent sms last few days before the incident of throwing molotov cocktails took place at YB Teresa's parents' house at Jalan Ipoh on 27th September 2008.
On 25th September 2008, i have received the first sms at 8.02 pm while i was on my way to town. I was stunned when i read the sms and i immediately called that number to question his/her motive, but the number could not be reached. as if the number is origined from a server. (please refer the sample of my police report for the content of the sms)
A day later, which was on 26th September 2008, at 8.49pm, while i was on my way to attend DAP Segambut Dinner, i received two more sms, the duo contained the same message.( please refer the report). I called this number too but was unreachable.
The reason we come lodge report today is that, we suspect there might be some kind of connection in these two matters. Especially the last sms i received on Friday, we can see clearly that, in the last sms, the despicable sender had written " Lu apa pasal suka cari pasal", wheras in the threatening notice received by Teresa on Saturday Morning, the word " suka cari pasal" again appeared. Anyway, that is merely our suspicion. We leave it to the police officers to do the necessary as they should be more proffesional and know well in investigating this matter. With the two handphone numbers provided to the police, i am sure that it helps alot in speeding up the investigation process. Police has got the right to obtain the details of the owner of these two numbers from the Mobile system operator ( DIGI).
We hereby urge that those despicable and irresponsible groups who involve in these incidents to stop fooling around and stop their acts. To us, they are trying to instill fear into the Wakil rakyat and also the members of Public. What is their motives? the DAP as well as the Pakatan rakyat are here to carry out their duty to serve the people and serve the nation, to transform Malaysia into a better one for all Rakyat regardless of race and religion, why is this group of people still wanting to create fear and mess?
We urge the group involved to stop engaging in useless and immature action. Also, to those who experience the same viz receiving the alike sms, we are pretty sure that I am not the only one who receive these offensive SMS, please do contact us at 03-92857532.
Thank you!
Carmen LeongChief ofCheras DAP Wanita
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Zahari was an unafortunate kampung boy, received very little education, he decided to try his luck in the city. He then settled down at a taman renting a small room in that taman. Knowing that he was not able to do any other work. he dedided to sell " Pisang Goreng" at Pasar Malam. He was told to go to the Bangunan MPxx to apply for a hawker licence. He did so, he paid rm15 rinngit to get to the bangunan by taxi, went up to the second floor but the staff at the counter whispered to him :" Hey, awak orang baru? tu tempat orang ni yang jaga, i kasi u numbor, cuba telipon la"...he then left the bangunan empty-handed but the phone number.
He called that number given at the counter, hoping that he could get a license and a " petak" to sell " Pisang Goreng". Not that his pisang goreng was of famous, no..but, he needed to fill his empty stomatch! he was starving! pity him.
finally , he got the other end answering the call, " allamdulilah, bang. i dapat awak ni, i nak minta tolong, i orang susah, baru dari kampung, nak jual pisang goreng. cari makan susah ni!"
replied from the other end :" oh, senang, senang, kami semua mahu cari makan, panggil aku ah weng, i ni suka tolong. i boleh gaodim lu punya lesen and petak, senang. berapa duit punya petak lu mahu? ada RM3000, Rm 2000, Rm 1000,yang paling murah Rm500, tu lah gerai paling jauh dan hantu pun tak adak, mana mau? siapa cepat dia dapat!"
Zahari got shocked, " hei, bukan ke ni tempat awam? MPxx punya, apasal mahu kita orang bayar? kalau kita ada duit, usah jual pisang goreng! jual tanah dah! "
he was so sad to learn the cruelity and the " culture' upheld in the city... his plan of selling merely " pisang goreng" was not succesful. He got to cancel the rented room,used up the rest of money he had with him to return to his kampung. at least, selling " pisang goreng" in the kampung was much easier. the " petak" is free..
but, he still failed to understand, why Ah Weng collected money from him for the petak, was he a staff in the MPxx? was he genuine? was he what he read from the newspaper- orang tengah, who berpakat with pegawai in MPxx? he kept thinking of this question while goreng his pisang goreng..failing to understand why, he would yell: "Pisang Goreng Kampung! atas petak free! tak perlu bayar petak, mari mari....petak tak perlu duit di kampung, tapi petak mahu duit banyak di bandar! pisang goreng! pisang goreng!"
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gona call a Press Conference tomorow( 15th August 2008), lucky i went for second survey late evening, i found out another doubtful misconduct by the MpKJ of Bahagian was rather shocking, this found out added the list to be longer..
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Brief explanation of an issue popped up in Taman Wangsa Cheras.
Jabatan perhutanan together with Consumer Affairs & Environment of Selangor State Government( potfolio of Y. B Elizaberth) closed down the Bukit Wangsa Cheras. This bukit is frequent by near to thousands of trekkers on weekend. It is a reserved land and no charge is imposed on the trekkers. The trekkers consist of both the residents and also outsiders from all over the Klang Valley.
A press gave big coverage to this hill to introduce its spectacularity to its readers resulting in the increase of patron last two weeks. The residents staying nearby are unhappy with the noise n sound polution produced. they made complain to the state govenment.
Without listening to the others side of story, the state govenrment closed down the hill yesterday. I was informed by the resident to go over as this area is located just in my zone. i was surprise to know that not all residents are against this trekking acitivity. they all know well that, there is no suitable platform for health building, they need the hill. The residents who are also the trekkers are upset with the move by the govenment. At least the government should listen to both side of the viewpoints and not take action barely based on one side of viewpoint.
The trekking committee's advisor, Mr Lam has been trying to get the chairman of resident, Tan, to sit down and talk, but to no effect. Tan avoided Lam.
The political asssistant of Elizaberth , Khai Lun promised to arrange for a dialogue this coming week. All parties involved will be invited. Eli could not appear during the closure as she was away in Singapore.The trekkers and the residents were happy to know that a dialogue would be called.
Dear all,
know what? a day later, i was told that, Eli, who was still in Singapore did not agree with the proposal of having dialogue and she said to the press that- "The hill would not be reopened, no compromise!"
hey! this is an immature decision made without consulting all the parties involved! the trekking committee has got its proposal ready to solve all the problems, why the pakatan government does not even want to sit down and listen? as a Ahli Majlis, i want to listen but my position is just damn tiny to solve this matter!
Can anyone assist in this matter? we are now the government, we got to be mature in handling people related issue, listening to both side of stories brings no harm! the press will publish her comment tomorrow-" no compromise", and, state govenment will look ugly as protest will soon be carried out by the trekkers!
Selangor risk.....protest will surely be carried out by the trekkers, oh, before i forget, many of the trekkers are senior citizens who have retired and afford little expenses in keeping themselves well and healthy......may God be with me.......
Carmen Leong
Monday, July 14, 2008

- letter faxed on 11th July 2008 and receipt acknowledged
Leong Ooi Kuan,
Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Kajang,
Majlis Perbandaran Kajang,
Jalan Semenyih,
43000, Kajang, Selangor.
Tel: 012-3811528
Tuan Nor Akhirrudin Bin Mahmud 11 Julai 2008
Pengarah Jabatan Perhutanan,
Tingkat 3, Podium Utara,
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abd Aziz Shah, Melalui Faks
40660, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Salinan kepada,
1. YAB Tan Sri Dato Abd Khalid,
Menteri Besar Negeri Selangor,
2. YB En.Ronnie Liu
Ahli Exco Negeri Selangor
Kerja Pengindahan Bukit Wangsa Cheras, Batu 9,Cheras Dan Pengenaan Caj Kemasukan
Salam sejahtera dan selamat tengah hari!
Dengan hormatnya diminta pihak tuan mengizinkan saya memperkenal diri saya, saya Leong Ooi Kuan, merupakan ahli Majlis Perbandaran Kajang. Tujuan saya mengutuskan surat kepada pihak tuan adalah untuk menyampaikan mesej yang saya terima daripada sekumpulan pendaki Bukit Wangsa Cheras ataupun Bukit " Ah Bak", Batu 9, Cheras, Selangor.
2. Untuk makluman pihak tuan, semasa saya mengunjungi bukit tersebut untuk bersenaman setiap minggu, saya difahamkan oleh dua orang pegawai dari Jabatan Perhutanan negeri Selangor bahawa, kerja-kerja memperindah sekeliling bukit tersebut mula dilaksanakan. Dan, caj sebanyak RM1 akan dikenakan kepada sesiapa yang ingin memasuki kawasan tersebut!
3. Kumpulan pendaki bukit dan pencinta alam semulajadi berasa sungguh kecewa dan sedih hati keatas keputusan berikut. Mereka mengharap agar pihak kerajaan Negeri Selangor baru yang mereka memberi sokongan dan menaruh harapan besar sedia membatalkan rancangan tersebut.
4. Berikut merupakan sebab-sebab bantahan kenaan caj sebanyak RM1;
a. Pendaki-pendaki Bukit Wangsa Cheras, Batu 9, Cheras menjadikan tabiat mendaki bukit tersebut suatu aktiviti seharian sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Mereka suka akan keaadan bukit berkenaan yang semulajadi. Buat masa kini, kawasan tersebut telah pun dilengkapi dua buah bilik "Tukar pakaian". Ini adalah mencukupi. Kerja-kerja pengindahan seperti mendirikan tandas-tandas awam dan tempat makan adalah tidak diperlukan.
b. Ekonomi negara bertambah semakin buruk. Golongan pendaki bukit yang tidak berkemampuan membelanja telahpun menyesuaikan diri mereka dengan cara mengurangkan belanjawan, mereka mengunjungi bukit Wangsa Cheras untuk bersenam dan bermandi di air terjun demi meringankan beban mereka . Dengan pengenaan sebanyak RM1, usaha mereka dalam mengurangkan belanjawan terjejas.
c. Kebanyakan pendaki bukit merupakan golongan warga tua yang telah bersara. Mereka mendaki bukit demi menjaga kesihatan. Pengenaan caj kemasukan ke kawasan tersebut akan membebankan mereka. Golongan tua ini terpaksa membelanja sekurang-kurangnya RM360 setahun untuk menjaga kesihatan!
d. Ramai rakyat menaruh harapan besar keatas pucuk pimpinan kerajaan Selangor yang baru ini. Pengenaan caj kemasukan ke kawasan ini tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa faedah dari segi sokongan daripada rakyat malah mencetuskan kemarahan mereka yang cinta akan semula jadi dan kesihatan.
5. Dengan demikian, saya berharap mesej yang saya sampaikan melalui surat ini dapat dipertimbangkan oleh pihak YB, golongan pendaki bukit mengharapkan sebuah kerajaan yang bertimbang rasa, belas kasihan dan mencintai rakyat yang telah memberi sokongan besar dalam pilihanraya yang baru berakhir!
6. Kerjasama dan perhatian daripada pihak tuan saya dahului dengan ribuan terima kasih.
Sekian,terima kasih
Yang benar,
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Whenever i date her out, she will repeatedly tells me that she wants to commit suicide, no point for her living in the world!
but hey!come on...not only that i told this to her but i want to tell the same to all of us here that; please stop thinking how well and hospitable others should treat you, but start thinking how can we treat others well and hospitable! there will always be pay back time, why must we concern ourselves so much at the first place? think of others fisrt and very soon we will be taken care of!
sigh.......advice after advice, she is improving day by day. I still hope that her parents manage to get her consult a psychologist....hey!wake up! the world is beautiful and colorful, dont blind up yourself!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Last two days had been outrages days for me, over my personal matter. I have a lovable pet dog at home, she is adopted from my not-so-closed ex colleague who has just migrated to Singapore. I love animals, i love dog, the moment she offered me the dog, i took it, happily and willingly.
This couple come visit my dog once they are in Malaysia. Touched by their love and passion to my dog, i always keep my door opened for this couple no matter how busy i am.
but...the best part is, after keeping the dog for a year, this friend of mine, Miss J, emailed me one day to say that
Besides, never ever connecting me to my former boss for whatsoever. To me, he just one of my ex-employer, nothing more. I even don't bother any matter about him. So, please stop using Pari as a bait to dip info from us for your own good as a politician.
Please love her with your heart but nothing more. "
I was stunned, i almost fainted onto the ground, what on earth is going on here? she thought that i agreed to keep her dog because i wanted to stay close to her, so that i can gain trust from her former employer? wait.....what's happening????
She asked me this same question few months after i adopted her dog, i gave my explanation. But now, after almost a year, she accused me for the same matter! i was totally speechless and taken aback by her irrationality! all kinds of human being exist in this tiny planet!hmmmm..........
In my reply to her email, i posed my questions to her:
1. Who is she that she thinks the former employer is so interested to know of her whereabout?
2. Why must i trouble myself taking care of a dog just to track her whereabout?
3. Of what reasons that i want to stay close to her ex employer?( who is also my three months ex employer)
4. Had i ever asked or said anything pertaining to the ex employer whenever we met?
5. Did i ever talk about politics to her? not until she posed me question and i merely gave answers!
i was really sadden with her emails, the most irritating part was attached above, how could she accuse that i USED my dog as a bait???? how much love and time have i spent on her?not to forget that, this dog( American Cocker Spaniel) is easily infected with skin deceases and double cares must be given to her!
I apologized to her husband who seemed to know nothing at all about the emails she sent. She tried to involve her hubby into this matter without his knowledge. After my call to him only i realized that he was unaware of her accusation...i apologized to the hubby for my firing words used in my email in reply to her email...he accepted it and also thanked me for keeping the dog..
i then started to worry, the lady, Miss J must have been suffering some kind of pressures that she can't control herself but lay high suspicion to things and people she knows.. worrying, but i don't intend to prolong this matter any further. I din't reply any more mail she sent and i will pray hard for her health n well being.......
if she ever reads my blog, i want her to know that, do respect politicians. Do not insult politicians, we all live under the policies produced by this group. Show respect to the good ones..this country will be in disastrous state should we have no good politicians!!!!with this,